For some people, they taught that all web hosting service are expensive. No! There are free and affordable services. These are the free and Shared Web Hosting. Definitely, the service is free in free website hosting. But the bad side of it is that you can only have a sub-domain name. If you want a professional service, you can choose the other types instead of free service. On the other hand, the shared website hosting has an affordable service because is the cheapest among other types. Compare to free service, in shared, you can have your own domain type but you are sharing a server from other users. You do not have your own server here. And it has a small storage capacity. This is only applicable for small business.

This is going to give them a great opportunity to see what the whole process is and rent the space to have their website up and running so that customers have a new option. It does not matter whether or not the website is going to be used strictly for informative reasons or if it will be selling a product, there are many options that they will have. The price is going to be a factor sometimes.
Affordable Web Hosting on a dedicated server: A very big web hosting company usually sells this type of affordable web hosting. This type of affordable web hosting is usually used by medium size websites. It also requires a lot of cost but the cost isn't as much as that of an Affordable Web Hosting strictly hosted on a personal computer. Maintenance is also of great importance but the affordable web hosting provider offering this service, must be able to provide assistance if need be.
SMTP is Simple Mail Transfer Protocol which is used for outgoing Email Server. Most hosting companies do not offer access to SMTP servers as they can be difficult to maintain and defend and the want to cut corners with their customers.
Web Host Country - Depending on your market, this could be the most important consideration, and often the most overlooked. The physical location of your host servers can have an impact on your business if your target market is in your own country. Google UK, for example offer the option of either a UK only or a world-wide search. If you want to feature in the UK only searches it is far better to have your website hosted by a company who has its actual servers in the UK. Be aware that some Shared Web Hosting UK hosting companies who appear to be UK based companies actually have their servers located in other countries. Always ask!
The DNS information need to propagate correctly and this can take up to 24 hours for all the DNS servers globally to update and list your new domain setting that hold your website.
Finally, when you choose a host - always think that it is the best friend of your site. When you make a friend in real life you always consider lot of things before choosing and also overlook minor mistakes to keep a long term relation. A web host is a real friend for you as it provides your business keep running online 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.